Note: The digital material in this page is available to provide timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright is retained by the authors and other copyright holders. Please be aware of the copyright restrictions of the downloaded material.

Multi-Agent Lane Optimization in Cluttered Environments
Maryam Khazaei Pool, Matthew Morozov and Marcelo Kallmann
International Conference on Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering (ICMRE), 2025

Locally Homotopic Paths: Ensuring Consistent Paths in Hierarchical Path Planning
Tichakorn Wongpiromsarn, Marcelo Kallmann and Andreas Kolling
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), 2024
[IEEE page]

Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss and Marcelo Kallmann
Formation-Aware Planning and Navigation with Corridor Shortest Path Maps
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2023
[CGF page]

Optimizing Curvature and Clearance of Piecewise Bezier Paths
Maryam Khazaei Pool, Matthew Morozov and Marcelo Kallmann
ICCMA 2023
[IEEE page]

Computing and analyzing decision boundaries from shortest path maps
Ritesh Sharma and Marcelo Kallmann
Computers & Graphics, 2023
[Elsevier page]

Spatially Distributed Lane Planning for Navigation in 3D Environments
Ritesh Sharma and Marcelo Kallmann
CAVW, 2023
[Wiley page]

Constraint-Based Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Collaborative Tasks
Xiumin Shang, Tengyu Xu, Ioannis Karamouzas and Marcelo Kallmann
CAVW 2023
[Wiley page]

Path Smoothing with Deterministic Shortcuts
Maryam Khazaei Pool, Carlos Diaz Alvarenga and Marcelo Kallmann
IRC 2022
[IEEE page]

Collaborative Virtual Trainers in VR Applications
Xiumin Shang and Marcelo Kallmann
In VR/AR Case Studies, Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR), 2021
[book page]

Plane Based Local Behaviors for Multi Agent 3DSimulations with Position Based Dynamics
Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss, and Marcelo Kallmann
[IEEE page]

3D Behaviors for Multi-Agent Simulations with Position-Based Dynamics
Ritesh Sharma, Tomer Weiss, and Marcelo Kallmann
I3D 2020, poster presentation

Evaluating Feedback Strategies for Virtual Human Trainers
Xiumin Shang, Ahmed Sabbir Arif, and Marcelo Kallmann
arXiv:2011.11704 [cs.HC], 2020
[arXiv page]

Comparing Navigation Meshes: Theoretical Analysis and Practical Metrics
Wouter van Toll, Roy Triesscheijn, Marcelo Kallmann, Ramon Oliva, Nuria Pelechano, Julien Pettré and Roland Geraerts
Computer and Graphics, 2020
[Elsevier page]

Planar Max Flow Maps and Determination of Lanes with Clearance
Renato Farias and Marcelo Kallmann
Autonomous Robots, 2020

Data Driven Multi-Hazard Risk Visualization
Ritesh Sharma, Ayme Tomson, Emilio Lobato, Marcelo Kallmann and Lace Padilla
Eurovis, poster paper, 2020

Integrating Local Collision Avoidance with Shortest Path Maps
Ritesh Sharma, Renato Farias and Marcelo Kallmann
Eurographics (EG), poster paper, 2020
[paper][poster][youtube video]

Detection and Synthesis of Full-Body Environment Interactions for Virtual Humans
Alain Juarez-Perez and Marcelo Kallmann
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), 2019
[video][Wiley page][Presented at Eurographics 2020]

Optimal Path Maps on the GPU
Renato Farias and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2019
(To be presented at I3D 2020)
[paper][video mp4][video wmv][IEEE page]

An Experimental Comparison of Touch and Pen Gestures on a Vertical Display
Yusuke Niiro, Marcelo Kallmann, Ahmed Sabbir Arif
The 8th ACM International Symposium on Pervasive Displays, 2019

Effects of Correctness and Suggestive Feedback on Learning with an Autonomous Virtual Trainer
Xiumin Shang, Marcelo Kallmann and Ahmed Sabbir Arif
Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), poster paper, 2019

An SPH Model to Simulate the Dynamic Behavior of Shear Thickening Fluids
Oktar Ozgen, Marcelo Kallmann and Eric Brown
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW), 2019
[paper][cavw page][main video]

Effects of Virtual Agent Gender on User Performance and Preference in a VR Training Program
Xiumin Shang, Marcelo Kallmann and Ahmed Sabbir Arif
Future of Information and Communication Conference (FICC), 2019

GPU-Based Max Flow Maps in the Plane
Renato Farias and Marcelo Kallmann
Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2018
[paper][video 35MB]

Improved Shortest Path Maps with GPU Shaders
Renato Farias and Marcelo Kallmann
E-print arXiv:1805.08500, 2018 (extended version in submission.)
[paper][arXiv page]

Fast Behavioral Locomotion with Layered Navigation Meshes
Alain Juarez-Perez and Marcelo Kallmann
Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2018
[paper][ACM page][video 29MB][video 15MB]

Coordinating Full-Body Interactions with the Environment
Alain Juarez-Perez and Marcelo Kallmann
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), poster abstract, 2017
[paper][ACM page]

Full-Body Behavioral Path Planning in Cluttered Environments
Alain Juarez-Perez and Marcelo Kallmann
Motion in Games (MIG), 2016
[paper][ACM page][video]

A Comparative Study of Navigation Meshes
Wouter van Toll, Roy Triesscheijn, Marcelo Kallmann, Ramon Oliva, Nuria Pelechano, Julien Pettré and Roland Geraerts
Motion in Games (MIG), 2016
[ACM page]

Flexible and Efficient Navigation Meshes for Virtual Worlds
Marcelo Kallmann
In Simulating Heterogeneous Crowds with Interactive Behaviors, 2016
[chapter] [book]

Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds
Marcelo Kallmann and Mubbasir Kapadia
SIGGRAPH Course Notes, 2016
[notes 29MB][notes 1.6MB][ACM page]
[slides 34MB][slides 3.7MB]

Modeling Data-Based Mobility Controllers with Known Coverage and Quality Properties
Alain Juarez-Perez and Marcelo Kallmann
Digital Human Modeling, 2016

Geometric and Discrete Path Planning for Interactive Virtual Worlds
Marcelo Kallmann and Mubbasir Kapadia
Springer, 2016

PRECISION: Precomputed Environment Semantics for Contact-Rich Character Animation
Mubbasir Kapadia, Xu Xianghao, Maurizio Nitti, Marcelo Kallmann, Stelian Coros, Robert W. Sumner, and Markus Gross
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D), 2016
[ACM page]

Multi-Modal Data-Driven Motion Planning and Synthesis
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2015
[paper][mov video][mpg video]

The Effects of Avatars, Stereo Vision and Display Size on Reaching and Motion Reproduction
Carlo Camporesi and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2015
[paper][video][IEEE Page]

Planning Motions and Placements for Virtual Demonstrators
Yazhou Huang and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2015
[paper][video][IEEE Page]

3D Printing and Immersive Visualization for Improved Perception and Interaction with Ancient Artifacts
Paola Di Giuseppantonio Di Franco, Carlo Camporesi, Fabrizio Galeazzi, and Marcelo Kallmann
Presence, 2015
[paper][MIT Press]

VR-Assisted Physical Rehabilitation: Adapting to the Needs of Therapists and Patients
Marcelo Kallmann, Carlo Camporesi, and Jay Han
In Virtual Realities Dagstuhl Seminar 20013, Springer, 2015

Content Creation and Authoring Challenges for Virtual Environments: From User Interfaces to Autonomous Virtual Characters
Ralf Dörner, Marcelo Kallmann, and Yazhou Huang
In Virtual Realities Dagstuhl Seminar 20013, Springer, 2015

Computing Shortest Path Maps with GPU Shaders
Carlo Camporesi and Marcelo Kallmann
Motion in Games (MIG), 2014

Deformation, Parameterization and Analysis of a Single Locomotion Cycle
Alain Juarez-Perez, Andrew Feng, Ari Shapiro and Marcelo Kallmann
Motion in Games (MIG), poster abstract, 2014

Planning Motions for Virtual Demonstrators
Yazhou Huang and Marcelo Kallmann
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2014

Motion Parameterization and Adaptation Strategies for Virtual Therapists
Carlo Camporesi, Anthony Popelar, Marcelo Kallmann, and Jay Han
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2014

Navigation Meshes and Real-Time Dynamic Planning for
Interactive Virtual Worlds
Marcelo Kallmann and Mubbasir Kapadia
ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes, Vancouver, 2014
[notes 20MB][notes 1MB][course webpage]

Dynamic and Robust Local Clearance Triangulations
Marcelo Kallmann
ACM Transactions on Graphics 33(5), 2014, presented at SIGGRAPH 2014
[paper][video 58MB][video 29MB]

Path Planning for Coherent and Persistent Groups
Tianyu Huang, Mubbasir Kapadia, Norman I. Badler, and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2014

Designing Controllers for Physics-Based Characters with
Motion Networks
Robert Backman and Marcelo Kallmann
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 24(6), 2013, 553-563
[paper][wiley page][project][video]

Simulating Colliding Flows in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics with Fractional Derivatives
Oktar Ozgen, Selcuk Sumengen, Marcelo Kallmann, Carlos FM Coimbra, and Selim Balcisoy
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds 24(5), 2013, 511-523
[paper][wiley page]

Designing Antibiotic Cycling Strategies by Determining and Understanding Local Adaptive Landscapes
Christiane Goulart, Mentar Mahmudi, Stephen D. Jacobs, Kristina Crona, Marcelo Kallmann, Barry G. Hall, Devin Greene and Miriam Barlow
PLOS ONE, 2013

VR Solutions for Improving Physical Therapy
Carlo Camporesi, Marcelo Kallmann and Jay Han
IEEE Virtual Reality, poster paper, 2013

A Framework for Immersive VR and Full-Body Avatar Interaction
Carlo Camporesi and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Virtual Reality, poster paper, 2013

Modeling Physically Simulated Characters with Motion Networks
Robert Backman and Marcelo Kallmann
The Fifth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2012
(Selected among the five best papers invited for a journal submission)

An Analysis of Motion Blending Techniques
Andrew Feng, Yazhou Huang, Marcelo Kallmann and Ari Shapiro
The Fifth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2012
[paper][video][video hires]

Precomputed Motion Maps for Unstructured Motion Capture
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
Eurographics/SIGGRAPH Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2012

Analyzing Locomotion Synthesis with Feature-Based Motion Graphs
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 2012

Immersive Interfaces for Building Parameterized Motion Databases
Yazhou Huang, Carlo Camporesi and Marcelo Kallmann
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), poster, 2011

Feature-Based Locomotion with Inverse Branch Kinematics
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
The Fourth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2011
Winner of the best paper award! (photos here: 1 2)

Directional Constraint Enforcement for Fast Cloth Simulation
Oktar Ozgen and Marcelo Kallmann
The Fourth International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2011

Humanlike Motion Planning
Marcelo Kallmann, Yazhou Huang and Mentar Mahmudi
IROS Workshop on Progress and Open Problems in Motion Planning, 2011

Planning Humanlike Actions in Blending Spaces
Yazhou Huang, Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011

Modeling Gaze Behavior for Virtual Demonstrators
Yazhou Huang, Marcelo Kallmann, Justin L Matthews and Teenie Matlock
International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2011

Developing Natural Full-body Motion Synthesis in Virtual Humans
Yazhou Huang, Justin L Matthews, Marcelo Kallmann and Teenie Matlock
The Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), poster, 2011

Gesture Variants and Cognitive Constraints for Interactive Virtual Reality Training Systems
Stephanie Huette, Yazhou Huang, Marcelo Kallmann, Teenie Matlock and Justin Matthews
International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), 2011

Walking Gait Generation with Foot Placement Control for the HOAP-3 Humanoid Robot
Yazhou Huang, Robert Backman and Marcelo Kallmann
UCM School of Engineering Technical Report 2011-02, 2011

Navigation Queries from Triangular Meshes
Marcelo Kallmann
The Third International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2010

Motion Parameterization with Inverse Blending
Yazhou Huang and Marcelo Kallmann
The Third International Conference on Motion in Games (MIG), 2010

Interactive Motion Modeling and Parameterization by Direct Demonstration
Carlo Camporesi, Yazhou Huang and Marcelo Kallmann
Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), 2010

Shortest Paths with Arbitrary Clearance from Navigation Meshes
Marcelo Kallmann
Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), 2010

Underwater Cloth Simulation with Fractional Derivatives
Oktar Ozgen, Marcelo Kallmann, Lynnete ES Ramirez and Carlos FM Coimbra
Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 29-3, presented at SIGGRAPH, 2010

A Skill-Based Motion Planning Framework for Humanoids
Marcelo Kallmann, Yazhou Huang and Robert Backman
International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2010

A Motion Planning Framework for Skill Coordination and Learning
Marcelo Kallmann and Xiaoxi Jiang
In Motion Planning for Humanoid Robots, Springer, 2010

Interactive Demonstration of Pointing Gestures for Virtual Trainers
Yazhou Huang and Marcelo Kallmann
HCI International, San Diego, 2009

Motion Planning and Autonomy for Virtual Humans
Julien Pettre, Marcelo Kallmann and Ming Lin
ACM SIGGRAPH Course Notes, Los Angeles, 2008
[project][bibtex][acm page]

The Challenge of Motion Planning for Soccer Playing Humanoid Robots
Stefano Carpin, Marcelo Kallmann and Enrico Pagello
International Journal on Humanoid Robotics (IJHR), 2008

SmartBody: Behavior Realization for Embodied Conversational Agents
Marcus Thiebaux, Andrew Marshall, Stacy Marsella and Marcelo Kallmann
Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), 2008
[paper][bibtex][nominated for best paper award]

Effects of Different Constraint Enforcement Methods for Verlet Integration in Cloth Simulation
Oktar Ozgen and Marcelo Kallmann
Poster Presentation at the Cognitive Animation Workshop, 2008

Robotic and Virtual Assistive Agents
Yazhou Huang, Gorkem Erinc, Stefano Carpin and Marcelo Kallmann
CITRIS Workshop Poster Presentation, Sacramento, 2008

Fast path Following with Motion Graphs
Mentar Mahmudi and Marcelo Kallmann
Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and Games (I3D), poster paper, 2008

Analytical Inverse Kinematics with Body Posture Control
Marcelo Kallmann
Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW) 19(2), 2008, 79-91

Interactive Motion Correction and Object Manipulation
Ari Shapiro, Marcelo Kallmann, and Petros Faloutsos
ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics and Games (I3D), 2007

Learning Humanoid Reaching Tasks in Dynamic Environments
Xiaoxi Jiang and Marcelo Kallmann
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2007

Marcus Thiebaux, Andrew N. Marshall, Stacy Marsella, Edward Fast, Aaron Hill, Marcelo Kallmann, Patrick Kenny, and Jina Lee, SmartBody: Behavior Realization for Embodied Conversational Agents, Inteligent Virtual Agents (IVA), poster paper, Paris, 2007.

Xiaoxi Jiang and Marcelo Kallmann, Toward Real-Time Object Manipulation in Dynamic Environments, SIGGRAPH poster, San Diego CA, 2007.

J. Wright, S. Carpin, A. Cerpa, G. Gavilan, M. Kallmann, C. Laird, K. Laird, S. Newsam and D. Noelle, Collaboratory: An Open Source Teaching and Learning Facility for Computer Science and Engineering Education, Frontiers in Education: Comp. Science and Comp. Eng. (FECS), 2007.

Marcelo Kallmann, Robust Navigation Meshes from Polygonal ObstaclesSymposium on Interactive 3D graphics and Games (I3D), poster, 2007.

Marcelo Kallmann, A Simple Experiment on the Effect of Biasing Sampling Distributions for Planning Reaching Motions with RRTs, UCM School of Engineering Technical Report TR-2007-001, February, 2007.

Marcelo Kallmann, Ari Shapiro, and Petros Faloutsos, Planning Motions in Motion, Symposium on Computer Animation (SCA), Posters & Demos, 2006.

Marcelo Kallmann and Stacy Marsella, Hierarchical Motion Controllers for Real-Time Autonomous Virtual Humans, Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Kos, 2005.

Marcelo Kallmann, Path Planning in Triangulations , IJCAI Workshop on Reasoning, Representation, and Learning in Computer Games, 2005.

Marcelo Kallmann, Scalable Solutions for Interactive Virtual Humans that can Manipulate Objects, Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE), 2005.

Evan Drumwright, Marcelo Kallmann, Maja Mataric´, Towards Single-Arm Reaching for Humanoids in Dynamic Environments, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids), poster paper, Los Angeles, CA, Nov 2004.

Nathan Miller, Odest C. Jenkins, Marcelo Kallmann, and Maja J. Mataric´, Motion Capture from Inertial Sensing for Untethered Humanoid Teleoperation, IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids), poster paper, Los Angeles, CA, Nov 2004.

M. Kallmann, R. Bargmann and M. Mataric´, Planning the Sequencing of Movement Primitives, Proceedings of the International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behavior (SAB), Los Angeles, CA, July 13-17, pp. 193-200, 2004.

M. Kallmann and M. Mataric´, Motion Planning Using Dynamic RoadmapsProceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), New Orleans, Louisiana, April 26 - May 1, pp. 4399-4404, 2004.

M. Kallmann, Interaction with 3-D ObjectsIn Handbook of Virtual Humans, N. Magnenat-Thalmann and D. Thalmann (Eds.), John Wiley & Sons, UK, 2004, 303-322.

M. Kallmann, A. Aubel, T. Abaci, and D. Thalmann, Planning Collision-Free Reaching Motions for Interactive Object Manipulation and Grasping, Proceedings of Eurographics, Granada, Spain, 2003, 313-322.

M. Kallmann, H. Bieri, and D. Thalmann, Fully Dynamic Constrained Delaunay Triangulations, In Geometric Modelling for Scientific Visualization, G. Brunnett, B. Hamann, H. Mueller, L. Linsen (Eds.), ISBN 3-540-40116-4, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, pp. 241-257, 2003.

M. Kallmann, P. Lemoine, D. Thalmann, F. Cordier, N. Magnenat-Thalmann, C. Ruspa, and S. Quattrocolo, Immersive Vehicle Simulators for Prototyping, Training and ErgonomicsComputer Graphics International (CGI), Tokyo, Japan, July 2003, pp. 90-95.

L. M. G. Goncalvez, M. Kallmann and D. Thalmann, Defining Behaviors for Autonomous Agents based on Local Perception and Smart ObjectsComputer & Graphics, 26(6):887-897, December 2002.

M. Kallmann and D. Thalmann, Modeling Behaviors of Interactive Objects for Virtual Reality ApplicationsJournal of Visual Languages and Computing, 13(2):177-195, 2002.

L. M. Goncalvez, M. Kallmann, and Daniel Thalmann, Programming Behaviors with Local Perception and Smart Objects: an Approach to Solve Autonomous Agents TasksXIV Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBIGRAPI 2001), Florianópolis, Brazil, Pp 15-18, October 2001.

E. de Sevin, M. Kallmann, and D. Thalmann, Towards Real Time Virtual Human Life SimulationsComputer Graphics International (CGI), July 3-6, Hong Kong, 2001.

M. Kallmann and D. Thalmann, Star Vertices: A Compact Representation for Planar Meshes with Adjacency InformationJournal of Graphics Tools, 6(1):7-18, 2001.

S. Balcisoy, M. Kallmann, R. Torre, P. Fua, and D. Thalmann, Interaction Techniques with Virtual Humans in Mixed EnvironmentsProceedings of the Second International Symposium on Mixed Reality, Yokohama, Japan, 2001.

M. Kallmann, Object Interaction in Real-Time Virtual Environments, DSc Thesis number 2347, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), January 2001.
S. Balcisoy, M. Kallmann, P. Fua, and D. Thalmann, A Framework for Rapid Evaluation of Prototypes with Augmented Reality, Proceedings of ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), Seoul, Korea, 2000, 61-66.

M. Kallmann, E. de Sevin, and D. Thalmann, Contructing Virtual Human Life SimulationsProceedings of Deformable Avatars Workshop, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2000, 240-247.

M. Kallmann, J.-S. Monzani, A. Caicedo, and D. Thalmann, ACE: A Platform for the Real Time Simulation of Virtual Human Agents, 11th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation (EGCAS), 2000, Interlaken, Switzerland, August, 2000.

M. Kallmann, J.-S. Monzani, A. Caicedo, and D. Thalmann, A Common Environment for Simulating Virtual Human Agents in Real Time, Proceedings of the Workshop on Achieving Human-Like Behavior in Interactive Animated Agents, Autonomous Agents Conference, Barcelona, Spain, June, 2000.

D. Thalmann, S. R. Musse, and M. Kallmann, From Individual Human Agents to Crowdsinvited article, Informatik / Informatique, Vol 1, 2000, 6-11.

N. Farenc, S. R. Musse, E. Schweiss, M. Kallmann, O. Aune, R. Boulic, and D. Thalmann, A Paradigm for Controlling Virtual Humans in Urban Environment Simulations, Applied Artificial Intelligence Journal 14(1):69-91, January 2000.

M. Kallmann, D. Thalmann, Direct 3D Interaction with Smart Objects, Proceedings of ACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology (VRST), December, 1999, London.

M. Kallmann and D. Thalmann, A Behavioral Interface to Simulate Agent-Object Interactions in Real-Time, Proceedings of Computer Animation (CA), IEEE Computer Society Press, 1999, Geneva, 138-146.

S. R. Musse, M. Kallmann and D.Thalmann, Level of Autonomy for Virtual Human Agents, Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Life, ECAL'99 poster, Lausanne, Switzerland, 1999, 345-349.

D.Thalmann, S. R. Musse and M. Kallmann, Virtual Humans' Behaviour: Individuals, Groups, and Crowds, Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Media Futures, British Computer Society, Bradford, UK, April 13-15, invited paper, 1999.

M. Kallmann and D. Thalmann, Modeling Objects for Interaction Tasks, Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation (EGCAS), Lisbon, Portugal, 1998, 73-86.

N. Farenc, S. R. Musse, E. Schweiss, M. Kallmann, O. Aune, R. Boulic, and D. Thalmann, One Step Towards Virtual Human Management for Urban Environments SimulationProceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Environments, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 1998.

M. Kallmann and A. Oliveira, Homeomorphisms and Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Models using Fields of Directions Defined on Triangulations, Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 3(3): 52-64, April 1997.

M. Kallmann and A. Oliveira, Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Models Using Fields of Directions in Tetrahedralizations, Proceedings of the Brazilian Simposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI), 1996.

M. Kallmann, Homeomorphisms and Metamorphosis of Polyhedral Models Using Fields of Directions Defined on Tetrahedralizations, MS Thesis, COPPE-UFRJ, June, 1996.

M. Kallmann, A Structure to Represent Spatial Subdivisions and the Delaunay Triangulation, Technical Report ES-365/96, COPPE-UFRJ, 1996. In Portuguese.

M. Kallmann, Representing Spatial Subdivisions and applying the Delaunay Triangulation, Proceedings of the Brazilian Simposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI), São Carlos, São Paulo, 1995, 103-110. In portuguese.

A. Oliveira, M. Kallmann, J. L. Pio, L. M. G. Gonçalves and R. C. Farias, Introductory Papers for Problems of the kind Shape from X, Technical Report ES-364/95, COPPE-UFRJ, 1995. In portuguese.

(Most pdfs of size >1MB are available with downsampled images by appending '-s' to the file name.)